Kumaun University B.Sc. III year Computer Science 'Microprocessor' question paper 2015 ~ Kumaun University Nainital

Friday, 30 October 2015

Kumaun University B.Sc. III year Computer Science 'Microprocessor' question paper 2015

Kumaun University, Nainital
Previous year paper of computer science Microprocessor in kumaun university

B.Sc. III Examination, 2015
Computer Science
Paper  - First

Section – A
1)     Fill in the blanks :

a)    …………….. is a quality characterized by single value.
b)    A system bus is used to …………… major computer components.
c)    ……………….  and ………….. are keys to RISC.
d)    The processing performed by a …………. To execute a single instruction.
e)    An instruction set used to specify micro programs………………..
f)    Full form of RISC is ………………………..
g)    A ……….. is a group of flip flops.

Section – B

2) (a) What is Arithmetic Logic Unit?
    (b) What is Microcomputer ?

3) (a) What is Fetch and execution Cycle? 
    (b) What is AMD microprocessor ?

4) (a) What are the trends of Microprocessor building ?
    (b) What are the features of Pentium Microprocessor?

5) (a) What are the elementary programming steps of the Intel’s     80386 microprocessor?
    (b) What are the features of Motorola 68020 microprocessor?

Section - C
6)  What is the 8085 Microprocessor? Explain 8-bit General purpose Microprocessor.

7) Draw the register organization of 8086 and explain typical application of each register.

8) What do you mean by addressing modes? What are the different addressing modes supported by 8086? Explain each of them with suitable example.
To Download Previous Year Paper of B.Sc. Computer Science Click this link

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