Kumaun University B.Sc. III year Computer Science 'JAVA' question paper 2010 ~ Kumaun University Nainital

Monday, 2 November 2015

Kumaun University B.Sc. III year Computer Science 'JAVA' question paper 2010

Kumaun University, Nainital
Previous year paper of computer science Java in kumaun university
B.Sc. III Examinations, 2010
Computer Science
Paper  - Third
(Programming Language - Java)


Section – A

1. The java compiler translates java programs to intermediate level language called :
a)    Machine language
b)    Bytecode
c)    System Language
d)    Object language

2. Which of the following property allows objects to have different internal structures to share the same external interface ?
a)    Abstraction
b)    Polymorphism
c)    Encapsulation
d)    Inheritance

3. The ……………..  is a collection of programs to help the developers compile, run and debug the source program of java.
a)    JVM
b)    IDE
c)    JDK
d)    Java software

4. Which of the following return type does a constructor have ?
a)    Void
b)    int
c)    Boolen
d)    No data type

5. What is the result of S and a, ager evaluating the expression :

int a=5;
int S =++a + a++;

6. Will program compile successfully if the main method is declared as private?

7. Write the range of acceptable values of int and char in Java.

8. Name the character set of Java that includes the characters from all possible human languages.

Section – B

9. What is overriding and overloading ? Explain with example. Use Java code for explanation

10. State the significance of public, private, protected, default modifiers both singly and in combination and state the effect of package relationships on declared items qualified by these modifiers.

11. [a] What is the difference between a constructor and a method ?

[b] What is the difference between an Abstract class and Interface ? And can you explain when you are using an Abstract classes ?


Section – C

12. [a] Write Java code to implement a class Point. It should have a function name display that will display the information in which quadrant the pint lies in ?

[b] What is the Java Virtual Machine? Explain working of JVM.


13. What do you mean by inheritance? Name the types of inheritance in Java and explain any two of them in detail.

14. Explain garbage collection ? How you can force the garbage collection in Java?

15. [a]Assuming the following code is written inside main().

What is the output of following :
String s1=new String(“Amit”);
System.out.println(s1.replace(‘m’, ‘r’));
String s3=”Arit”;
String s4=”Arit”;
String s2=s1.replace(‘m’ , ’r’);
(i)  Arit

(ii) Arit

(iii) Amit

(iv) Arit

[b] Write short note, in context of Java, on Constructor overloading.

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